Intro » Extending through Add-ons

The goal of Agile Toolkit is to offer a standard and portable way for building User Interfaces. Existence of standard UI can enable 3rd party developers to create simple and complex extensions for Agile Toolkit.

Agile Toolkit comes with Installer package that can also download and help you configure certain UI extensions.

Lorem Ipsum add-on

This add-on is provided as an example and we will install it just to show how to use add-ons.

Inside Agile Toolkit Installer find and install 'Lorem Ipsum' add-on. After it is installed it will give you instructions on how to add Lorem Ipsum in your code.

Try adding 'LoremIpsum' on your landing page.

Agile Toolkit is here to establish a modern platform and give tools for web developers.

We are working with some 3rd party solution and software providers who want to use Agile Toolkit give you some free goodies.


Creators of ZoomCharts have put a lot of work into a data vizualization and interaction software, which is available from They have also created some amazing integrations for Agile Toolkit to make it super easy for Agile Toolkit developer to use their charts in your apps.

With Agile Toolkit Sandbox you will be able to download and use ZoomCharts in your application.


ClusterPoint is a modern XML-based NoSQL database engine designed on scaling and data aggregation.

Creatiors of ClusterPoint are willing to join our effort to help Web App developers and are offering all registered Agile Toolkit developers access to their hosted database engine.

This means you will be able to implement your application using powerful modern database technology without hassle of configuring or setting anything up.

Themes and Styling

Several designers thought your web apps could look more "sexy" and have developed new themes for Agile Toolkit. Because Agile Toolkit relies on a flexible CSS Framework, it makes theming so much more fun.

Themes are primarily designed for creating a modern and great looking front-end for your web app - adding layouts and styles to your pages but also keeping all the UI elements consistent.

You will find out about this and more through our Blog and Forum sections.

Give it a try

If are willing to give Agile Toolkit a try, here is a simple checklist of things you need to do:

  1. Create a free account on this website.
  2. Install PHP and Text Editor on your local laptop / desktop (We support Linux, Mac and Windows)
  3. Downoad Agile Toolkit and go through steps in installer.
  4. Follow some of our tutorials to build your "School" Web App.
  5. Deploy your app to your own domain / webserver which we offer you for free.
  6. Share your new web app with your friends.

If you are in love with Agile Toolkit - keep using it, create more software. All of the above should take you just a few hours time, depending on how much you already know about Web App development.

Continue to download Agile Toolkit.