Writing efficient report queries for ORM has always been complex. Agile Data defines models differently allowing for extensions like this to exist.
Use your Domain Model logic to build efficient "UNION" queries for all your reporting needs (SQL only). Example:
$union = new \atk4\report\UnionModel($db);
$union->addNestedModel(new Invoice());
$union->addNestedModel(new Payment(), ['amount'=>'-[amount]']);
$union->addFields(['amount', 'project_id', 'date']);
$union->join('project', 'project_id')
->addField('project_name', 'name');
$union->groupBy(['date','project'], ['amount'=>'sum']);
$report_data = $union->export(['date', 'project_name', 'sum']);
The above example will combine your Invoice and Payment records together for the reporting purposes. Compared to Stored Procedures, the above approach is efficient and requires no maintenance.
There are many uses for Union Model. Next example is to implement multi-entity search for your site:
class Search extends \atk4\report\UnionModel {
function init() {
$this->addNestedModel(new Article())
->addExpression('type', '"article"');
$this->addNestedModel(new Blog())
->addExpression('type', '"blog"');
$this->addNestedModel(new ShopItem())
->addExpression('type', '"shop-item"');
$this->addField('published', ['type'=>'date']);
$this->addField('is_public', ['type'=>'boolean']);
$this->join('author', 'author_id')->addField('author_name', 'name');
$this->addCondition('is_public', true);
* Deep full-text search condition
function search($q) {
foreach($this->union as $m) {
"match (title, search_blob) against ([] in boolean mode)",
return $this;
// Now this is how we can get list of all matched articles now:
$s = new Search($db);
$s->addCondition('published', '>', new DateTime("2015-01-01"));
$data = $s->export();
// 20 matched rows containing type, author_name, title
Agile Audit | Zend Combine | ||
UNION using Domain Models | UNION ALL | table-level only | |
Map missmatched columns, expressions | yes | custom | |
Use of PDO parameters | yes | no | |
Join results from UNION with one or more tables | yes | as raw code | |
Allow nested models to contain joins and sub-queries | yes | as raw code | |
Conditions will be applied to all nested models | yes | no | |
Grouping will be performed on nested models | yes | no | |
Secondary grouping to elliminate duplicated | yes | no | |
Respect implied ACL conditions (e.g. soft-delete) | yes | no | |
Update, Add or Delete records into UnionModel | no | no | |
Full drop-in repalacement for your basic Model | yes | no | |
Support for selective fields | yes | no | |
Support for aggregation (group by) | yes | no | |
Use in Expressions and column aggregation | yes | no |
Notice: please report to us if you notice any inaccuracy. The table above depicts anly basic functionality.
Here is a list of growing use-cases that we have collected, where UNION models save tons of time:
Audit Extension is currently in Beta. You need to contact us if you wish to get early access.